Is the future predetermined? And if so, does this imply humans do not have free will?
Throughout history, many explanations have been offered. The ancient Greeks believed in Ananke, a primeval force of compulsion, and in the Fates, three goddesses who controlled every moment of life from birth to death. In Eastern philosophy, the laws of karma are rooted in the idea that actions have determined consequences. In Catholic theology, scholars struggled with whether an omniscient God knowingly creates individuals He knows will be destined for condemnation, or whether human free will renders His predictive capacity incomplete. Philosophers like Hume, Hobbes, and Nietzsche have written on the issue. Albert Einstein found the idea of a random universe without a definite outcome to be unsavory.
For most of human history, the discussion fell squarely within the jurisdiction of philosophers and theologians. Today science, and physics in particular, can speak more forcefully on the issue.
Start with classical Newtonian physics. Particles in the natural world possess characteristics such as mass, position, velocity, charge, etc., the full set of which we refer to as the “state” of the system. The laws of physics are literally mathematical functions. Input the state of a system, and the output tells you the future, like where a ball thrown off a cliff will land or how much light will bend as it passes through water.
Of course, gathering all the information needed to perfectly describe the state of a system may be impossible. So too may be the quest to learn every last one of the laws of physics. But philosophically, classical physicists operate under the presumption that a full set of these laws do exist and with complete omniscience would be sufficient to predict all future events.
If you accept this simple premise, then the laws of classical physics render the universe fully predictable and hence, fully predetermined, unless one of two things are true: A) there is no definitive “state” of a system or B) the laws of physics are non-deterministic, i.e. the same initial conditions will generate different final results.
To date, scientists have encountered no evidence to suggest that the laws of physics are non-deterministic. Identical experiments yield identical results regardless of when and where they are carried out. Scientific progress is defined, in a sense, as taking events that are seemingly random, and pulling back the veil to uncover there was in fact a deterministic explanation all along.
Option A turns out to be much more interesting, but one physicists couldn’t say much about it until the advent of quantum mechanics (QM) in the early 1900’s.
To put it frankly, QM as we understand it is weird and unintuitive. It states that particles at the quantum (e.g. atomic) level don’t possess definitive positions, momenta, energies, or the like. Instead, they have their own “wavefunctions.” Manipulated this way or that, the QM wavefunction can provide information about its system. For example, square the wave function and you obtain the probability that a particle will exist in a particular place at a particular time.
The word “probability” is key because it demarcates the classical and quantum mechanical views of the universe. The QM wavefunction is presumed to be a statistical object where each outcome (e.g. position, momentum) has a certain probability of occurring, but no outcome is for certain. This statistical take on QM is referred to as the Copenhagen interpretation.
To use an analogy, the difference between classical and quantum physics is like the difference between the values of dice which have been rolled then hidden and the inherent state of those same dice before they are rolled. The former has a definite but unknown state while the latter is purely random. For the unrolled dice, like quantum mechanics, everything is possibilities and nothing is for certain until we roll.
To better tease out the implications of the Copenhagen interpretation, allow me to introduce two Socratic adversaries: Raúl, who will defend the position that the universe is random and Dante, who will contend that it is deterministic. They begin by discussing an observation of an electron.
Raúl asks, “Can you tell me, Dante, what the position of the electron was the instant before we measured it?”
Dante replies, “Well that’s trivial. Once we measure, we know where the electron is. It must have been in almost exactly the same location the instant before.”
Raúl retorts, “That’s where you’re wrong. Our measurement, like a roll of the dice, caused the electron to be in a particular position. Before that measurement is was everywhere and nowhere.”
Physicists have observed the position of an electron multiple times in quick succession and found its position stays mostly the same. The standard explanation is that the measurement caused the wavefunction to collapse to a particular state. Whatever the position the electron collapsed to, it will remain there, at least for a little while.
Of course, there is no way of observing the electron immediately before observing it for the first time. It would seem that no experimental physicist will be able to resolve Raúl and Dante’s debate.
So instead we turn to three theoretical physicists – Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen – who in 1935 published an article containing a simple thought experiment. Their idea later became known as the EPR paradox.
The paradox considers a subatomic particle known as a pion. Occasionally, a pion will decay into two particles – an electron and a positron – which subsequently fly off towards observers (let’s make them Raúl and Dante) at opposite ends of the Universe. Electrons and positrons each possess a property known as “spin”. There are only two spin-states allowed – spin-up or spin-down.
According to a law of physics known as “conservation of momentum” the electron and positron must possess opposite spins. But how does a particle come to possess its spin? Raúl would claim that this occurs at the time of measurement. “Only when we examine the electron does it finally assume a spin-state. Before that examination, it could have been either/or. There’s no way of knowing,” he explains.
“Oh look! Here’s comes the electron now!” Raúl grabs his detector to take the measurement. “Dante, I just observed the electron and it is spin-up. Fancy that!”
Dante would say, “Of course! The electron was always spin-up and the positron was always spin-down. When you measured we simply learned which was which.” He would then go on to criticize Raúl further by saying, “If you caused the electron to be spin-up when you measured it, then you equally caused the positron to be spin-down as a consequence. But for that to be true, the ‘message’ that the positron must now be spin-down must have travelled across the Universe instantaneously! As you’re well aware, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so your suggestion is clearly impossible.”
Dante has introduced the concept of “locality”. Two systems cannot affect each other until information has had enough time to travel between them. Because light speed is the fastest any information is known to travel, until light has sufficient time to get from one to the other, the two systems remain independent of one another, or “non-local.”
At this point EPR and Dante would all feel somewhat victorious over this random assault while humbly admitting that their version of quantum mechanics wasn’t perfect. If QM particles have definite, non-probabilistic states, then there must be some information that tells us what those states are. We just haven’t found it yet.
This idea led scientists to concoct various “hidden variable theories.” They proposed that the wavefunction as they understood it was incomplete. Perhaps, they argued, there is some “hidden variable” inside it which we have yet to uncover. Find the hidden information, and maybe it will tell us the particle’s true state and dispel this statistical view of quantum mechanics once and for all.
And people tried. Many hidden variable theories were proposed, but none worked. Then, in 1964, Raúl’s champion, J. S. Bell, proved that any local hidden variable theory is fundamentally incompatible with quantum mechanics. Einstein once famously quipped that “God doesn’t play dice,” a statement which served as a slap in the face to the Copenhagen interpretation. Had he still been alive at the time of its publication in 1964, Bell’s theorem would have caused him to spit his drink all over the Baccarat table. (And in case you’re wondering, there have been many tests of Bell’s Theorem. They have all confirmed its veracity.)
Raúl explains, “Look, Dante, J. S. Bell tells us everything we need to know. There is no possible way that any hidden information (as represented by an unknown variable) is inside the wavefunction. The wavefunction as we see it right now is all there is. There’s no man behind the curtain. There’s no hidden reality. It’s just random. The electron’s spin is not determined until the time of its measurement and this reality is somehow communicated to the positron so it can assume the opposite spin.”
Dante is compelled to reemphasize his point. “Raúl, even if I’m wrong, you still can’t explain how information about the electron’s spin can travel instantly across the Universe and affect the positron’s spin. That would violate causality! I may not conclusively win this point, but neither do you.”
“In fact,” he continues, “you haven’t even considered the implications of relativity.”
Dante is referring to Einstein’s theory of relativity which describes the relationship between space and time. One of relativity’s stranger results is that a single event can be viewed by two observers to have occurred at two different times. For example, if a spaceship races away from Earth, I would see the spaceship’s clock ticking more slowly than mine. I would, in effect, be looking into the spaceship’s past. My present would be its past. Stranger yet, reverse the motion and my present can actually be its future!
“Past, present, and future must all exist, Raúl, because my past and my future can be somebody else’s ‘right now’,” Dante says. “If a definite version of my future exists for someone else, how can the universe be anything other than deterministic?”
Raúl is silent, wondering if Dante is pulling some twisted logic on him.
Dante continues, “I can see you’re not convinced, so let’s return to that Bell’s Theorem you respect so highly. Bell’s Theorem says there can be no ‘hidden variable theory.’ Fine, but then one of two things must be true – either physics is non-local or the wavefunction is physically real. There’s no other way for the electron and positron to know about each other’s spin states.”
Fortunately for Dante, a recent paper (i.e. not even peer reviewed yet) out of University College London provides evidence to support the deterministic view. It proves (allegedly) that the quantum wavefunction is not statistical, but rather is a real, physical object. This means when the two aforementioned particles speed away from one another, one is actually spin-up and the other is actually spin-down. This preserves locality but also means that quantum mechanics, and thus the universe itself (barring some hidden physical reality of which physicists are unaware), is deterministic.
“What you are suggesting is heresy,” Raúl blurts out. “If the universe is deterministic, then humans don’t have free will. It’s all just stimuli and genetics, biochemistry and brain waves leading our bodies to act and think in ways that are outside our control.”
“Well, there is some evidence to back that up,” Dante says. “Psychological research has revealed that, at least in some instances, the human brain makes decisions before we are consciously aware of them. There’s also the case of Transient Global Amnesia, a medical condition where people lose almost all short term memory beyond a minute or two. During these intervals patients will engage in almost exactly the same conversation over and over and over again, like machines.”
So is Dante right? Is the universe neat, ordered, and deterministic? Perhaps, but it would be arrogant to assume this is the end of the story. University College London’s physical wavefunction theory may yet prove incorrect. At very least, much more work will need to be done before quantum mechanics experiences a paradigm shift away from the Copenhagen interpretation. And even if quantum mechanics is proven deterministic, maybe consciousness is the exception to the rule for reasons we cannot yet understand.
Then again, maybe it is something we are simply incapable of understanding. In the same way that the brain cannot visualize new colors or explain why there is a universe rather than nothing at all, it could be that the true nature of free will will always lie beyond our comprehension.
Ever since I was a young boy, I knew that the universe is predetermined. I don’t know if this is a gift, that I possess, or rather clarity of how the universe works from my earliest memories. I speculate that we are all born with these insights, however as time goes on, we lose the connection to our state prior to birth and therefore understanding of the universe’s properties.
The study of mathematics and physics, in my view, are only the clarification and definition of what we already know. Think about it. At a very young age you are able to perform thousands of calculus calculations within seconds in order to determine where to place the next foot while walking, where to place the hands to catch, touch or grab, and how high to jump to clear an obstacle. We call this coordination, but the reality is that our brains are complex calculators with its outputs defined by the laws of physics.
In other words, scientists are just mathematically proving what we already know – from the day that we are born, we could predict our location, time and place of death if we could measure and compute each and every input this universe possesses.
Try it yourself. Predict how high the ball will bounce prior to bouncing the ball. Or don’t. Either way, your fate was predetermined from long before you were even conceived, let alone from the time you read this comment.
There is 1 major issue with Predeterminism: If it is possible to predict the future, we automatically get the time travellers paradox, except for the opposite state of time. If we were able to exactly determine the future, as should be possible if the theory is true, then you will be able to alter the events of the future. There is free will in such a universe: either you choose to alter future, or you dont.
You can’t alter the future, predetermining the future its just you expecting what to happen into something. If you expect or predetermined that someone will die and if you decide to save him/her its because of how you think, how you experienced things and how you made to predetermined and save or not to save someone. Its already been written in the future.
We’ve been are all part of a big reaction and interaction and all of our decisions and actions are part of it. That’s why the future is already been written. We feel like we can choose any decisions we want but in reality, we make those decisions because of how we made in the first place. We don’t have a free will, we are just a super complex chain reaction.
Enjoyed reading your post. Excellent website. Question: How can a *series of events known beforehand, in detail, by a person be logically explained? *far exceeding the probability of a chance guess.
Predetermined future may be true of someone was born in a location where they never interacted with any other human but I can’t believe that interaction with others and free will decisions made on the back of that changes your life’s future route.
For example if go to uni and sit in a lecture of a hundred people and become best friends with person A (who themselves are born with their own predispositions), this could lead on to specific follow on decisions made, for example they could introduce me to someone who could then go on to be my wife.
Or if I was to go into the uni class and sit next to person B and become friends with them then they could introduce me to a whole new life
Maybe destiny would have brought person A to me, who knows, but I think interactions with other people shape your character and mould you into a changing person throughout your lives and your future cannot be predetermined as complex as that may be, as you cannot predict who is going to come into your life and change you.
Free will is an illusion; and I know that’s not a popular statement but we do live in a predeterministic universe. Everything happened exactly how it had to happen because it did. Just imagine the mess if this was not true; it’s actually the cornerstone to Einstein’s definition of insanity that people love to misuse instead of the actual definition.
Let’s say the universe was created in the big bang and we knew everything about the start of it and were able to process all of the data with complete accuracy. Our result would return this solar system with us having this conversation in exactly the same way.
My view is this: On the macro scale the universe is predetermined but on the micro scale it is random and therefore uncertain and not predetermined. The orbits of the planets around the sun are predetermined. Which particular neurons fire or don’t fire in my brain (and my digestive system) to determine whether I choose to have cereal or bacon for breakfast is random and unpredictable. This is perfectly consistent with both Newtonian physics (on the macro scale) and with Quantum physics (on the micro scale.) The answer to whether the future of the universe is predetermined or not is both yes and no. On a macro scale the future is determined, EG eventually the sun will exhaust its fuel. On a micro scale there is room to maneuveur and we can influence our destiny within limits. We can choose from a limited number of cards that the universe has dealth us and within the limits determined by physics, chemistry and biology.
Ever since high school physics and up through now as an engineer in my mid 30s, I’ve always believed human logic points towards predeterminism. I say human because, like the article fittingly points out at the end, we must accept the fact that there are things we simply cannot grasp. What does light outside of the visible spectrum look like? Many animals can see ultraviolet light. If their visible spectrum is wider than ours, then does what we see as yellow look the same to them or do they see it as orange since it is comparatively more towards the red side of their spectrum? We’ll never know. Anyways, my point is that, despite my first sentence, I also believe in free will.
To me the more interesting question, if you believe in free will, is the definition and extent of it. Is it involved in every aspect of our brain’s electrochemistry or only when we’re “making a decision” at a conscious level? Is it specific to the brain or present at a cellular level, with a more advanced form of life having more advanced free will? This could imply that even single cell organisms have a very limited scope of free will. Does a plant choose to grow towards sunlight or do chemical reactions make it? Obviously it doesn’t have the facilities to decide to commit suicide by trying to grow underground, but at some very basic level, is “free will” involved?